My Cat Wrote This Content Writing with Victoria Tomis

Are you a vegan small business, or vegan lifestyle, or companion cat website looking for blog content, web copywriting, product descriptions, or press articles? You've come to the right place!

I'm Victoria, and I'm a freelance content writer, editor, and copywriter who specializes in just that! Welcome to My Cat Wrote This Content Writing.

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Why Do Cats Open Their Mouth To Smell & Communicate?

Cats interact with the world around them through their powerful sense of smell. But unlike dogs, cats don’t default to nose-to-the-ground sniffing and snuffling. Instead, sometimes, when they smell something especially interesting, they’ll draw back their lips, wrinkle their muzzles, and open their mouths into a strange sneering or grimacing expression. Cats open their mouth to smell because of the Flehmen response, says Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, a veterinarian at Petlearnia. “[This response] is a p

What Is Carpal Hyperextension In Cats?

Our flexible cats are famous for their air-righting reflex. However, the physical trauma a cat might sustain from jumping off a high balcony or rooftop could cause a rare but serious joint injury. Carpal hyperextension causes tendon and ligament damage, chronic inflammation, and instability in your cat’s carpal (“wrist”) joint, says Dr. Danny Sack, DVM, Surgical Resident at MedVet Columbus with a background in Veterinary Orthopedic & Sports Medicine. “Like most orthopedic injuries, this is not

Why Do Cats Lick, Eat & Chew On Plastic?

Plastic seems to have a magical hold over many cats. “Cats are drawn to plastic due to the inclusion of stearates, which are derivatives of animal fats like tallow and lanolin, used in the manufacturing process,” explains Dr. Candy Akers, DVM, a holistic veterinarian. Cats chew and lick plastic because they’re curious about the sound, texture, and smell. When cats actually ingest plastic, curiosity turns into a medical problem, such as pica. This is an eating disorder in which cats eat non-food

Do Cats Sweat? How to Cool Down Your Overheated Kitty

If you’ve ever seen your cat sprawled out in the sun for an epic cat nap, you’ll notice something unusual: if you run your fingers through their fur, they don’t feel sweaty! “Cats do not ‘sweat’ in the normal sense of the word as we think,” explains Dr. Amber Carter, an ABVP board-certified feline practitioner. However, cats DO sweat; it just doesn’t create noticeable wetness in their fur. While cats have two types of sweat glands scattered around their body, eccrine and apocrine, they don’t fu

Can Cats and Rabbits Get Along?

If you’ve only ever had cats but want a rabbit, you’re likely wondering if these two pets can share a home and get along? While cute and cuddly, cats are still predators, and rabbits are prey, so are the odds immediately stacked against this interspecies pairing becoming best buds? Not necessarily. “Many cats and rabbits get along well, but the most important thing to remember is that ‘unlikely friends’ videos and Instagram accounts are not the norm,” explains Emily and Lizzy Cassell, rabbit beh

The Nail File: Why Your Cat Bites Their Nails

Did you know your cat’s nails and how they treat them can spill the (toe) beans about their health? While humans might gnaw on their nails out of boredom or anxiety, our cats don’t share that same emotional connection to the notoriously hard-to-kick bad habit. So what does it mean when we see our kitty companions chomping on their nails? Cat nail biting can range from routine self-grooming to sneaky injuries and infections to easy-to-miss underlying health problems. Read on as we take a closer

Cat Exercise: 12 Ways To Keep Your Kitty In Shape

Have you ever felt like the victim of one too many “drive-by ankle-biting” attacks from your frenzied feline? Or maybe you’re concerned that your couch potato kitty’s cute chunkiness might harm their health? Getting your cat to exercise is important for their overall health and allows them to act on their instincts. “For cats, play is predatory behavior. Cats who don’t get to hunt and problem solve can become bored and may act out,” says Stephen Quandt, CFTBS and founder of Feline Behavior Asso

Do Cats Have A Favorite Person? Plus, 5 Ways To Be Their No. 1

If you’ve ever befriended a picky (and maybe prickly) kitty, you know how special it feels to be their favorite person. Some of this is biological. 12,000 years ago, our cats’ wild ancestors domesticated themselves when they learned that people were an excellent source of food and shelter. Relying on humans to meet their basic needs relates to how, today, domesticated cats often choose to bond with one person.

Do Cats Know Their Names—Or Are They Ignoring You On Purpose?

If you’re a new cat parent or an experienced one with a new kitten, you might wonder if your cat knows their name. Thanks to the ever-growing field of feline science, we have an answer. Yes, cats do know their name and they may respond with a meow, a head butt, or by running towards you. Why they respond the way they do (and yes, sometimes they ignore you) is strongly rooted in their personality, biology, and upbringing. By pairing recent studies and research with the expert insights from feli

Take A Look At Me Meow! 8 Cat Attention-Seeking Behaviors Explained

If you’re a cat parent, you might already know how far some cats will go to get your eyes on them, from sprawling out on your laptop to nudging a prized teapot off the counter. But your cat’s attention-seeking behaviors may not happen exactly for the reasons you imagine. Your cat may do things to attract your attention in order to communicate their needs. Sometimes, this might mean they’re asking for more mental and physical stimulation, like playtime. In other cases, they may be reacting to a
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